Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy national lab, focused on advancements in basic science, engineering, supercomputing, and R&D.
I joined the lab in 2006 as a web designer & developer for the Advanced Photon Source, a synchrotron x-ray facility.
During my almost five years at Argonne, I worked on a wide range of projects. I was a jack-of-many-trades, and dipped into content & document management, bespoke software design, internal tools, conference websites, programming, support, copywriting, and whatever else happened to land on my desk.

The most impactful project I worked on was towards the end of my tenure — a full redesign of Argonne’s primary website. Several web folks from across the lab joined forces to envision a new web presence, which hadn't been updated significantly for several years. It was a big challenge to satisfy the many stakeholders involved, and wrangle the enormous amount of content and needs for a large organization.
I created a design that ended up getting built as a Drupal site, after I left for Basecamp. This design was used in production from 2011-2018.

A few other work samples from back then…